Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Spring Frame Work Overview

Spring Frame Work Overview (1.x)

Spring Frame Work Overview (2.x)

Spring DAO:
Provides abstraction layer on JDBC to develope persistence logic.

Spring ORM:

Provides abstraction layer on ORM Frameworks like Hibernate, toplink and etc.. to develop OR mapping persistence logic.

Spring Web:

(a) provides plugins for structs + spring, jsf+spring integration.
(b) provides spring web mvc as web f/w to develop web applications.

Spring JEE:

Provides abstraction layer on multiple java JEE Technologies like JNDI, JMS,RMI,JTA and etc.. to develop JEE applications.

Spring AOP:

Providing a different mechanism or methodology to develop and apply middleware services like logging, security, Transaction and etc..

Middleware configurations means  

Spring 3.x Overview Diagram

Servlet container and EJB Container are Heavy weight but where as Spring is Light weight (Ram level)